Coffee Smiley for Facebook

Coffee Smiley for Facebook
Coffee smiley

For status, comments and chat

Copy the emoticon.

Click on icon on Facebook.

Paste the emoticon in the File name field and click Open.

Coffee smileyCream and no sugar, but definitely caffeinated - It's time for a coffee! Get your friends together with this very cool Facebook coffee emoticon for chat and messages. If you love our coffee smiley we bet that lots of your FB friends and followers will do too! Pour a delicious hot cup and then sit down to enjoy a Facebook session. Send it along to wish someone special a good morning on their timeline! Use this smiley when you want to say you need some java fast or when you’re taking a much needed coffee break. Coffee lovers—and we know many of you are—will find this smiley to be perfectly useful when messaging your friends to meet you for a cup of joe at your favorite coffee shop!